Nissan 350z S6+

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Nissan 350z S6+

Post by GeorgeH »

Hello All,

I have been exploring options for ECU's and I believe have settled on a solid choice.

I will be using this as a learning (as every other aspect on the car) tool and therefore understand there may be easier ways to accomplish my end goal... S6PnP for example.

To that end I have attached my _Hopefully_ somewhere near wiring plan.

If anybody could cast a quick eye over this and point out all of my floors / oversights that would be great and very much appreciated. (I'm sure there will be many!)

I have tried to make it easy and have colour coded the ones I am more content (I hope) with in green and the ones I haven't been able to work out as well in yellow.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks in advance.

Syvecs S6Plus-Example.xlsx
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Re: Nissan 350z S6+

Post by pat »


I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve here. Let me explain :

If you take an S6GPPlus as it comes in a GENERIC build, it will not work on a 350Z due to the CAN bus integration. You would have to buy an S6GPPlus with 350Z build, so what you may save here is the cost of a pre-fabricated and verified working loom adapter. Far be it from me to discourage people from doing their own wiring - if you like doing that then I'm sure we could supply you with a verified working schedule, but for the majority of cases, people don't want to make looms. Given the price difference between a 350Z version of the S6GPPlus and a 350Z PnP kit, for most people it's not worth the trouble to make the loom adapter. You may of course enjoy it, and that's fair enough.

Some food for thought :)


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Re: Nissan 350z S6+

Post by GeorgeH »

Hello Pat,

Many thanks for your swift and informative reply.

I may have a skewed interpretation of what is possible, however i was under the impression that i could run the engine independently of the car / CAN sys.

As the OEM loom is hugely insufficient in its current form as the engine is now TT, it would require fully stripping and re-looming anyway.

My plan is/was to use some of the OEM sensors such as: Cams, crank, TB, Coolant temp, oil pressure etc and then supplement these with extras as required.

As this is a learning process, I would like to enable all of the features available, such as TC, launch ctrl, flat shift, etc

I hope this all makes sense and doesn't add too much complication.

Many Thanks

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Re: Nissan 350z S6+

Post by pat »


You are of course correct that the ECU will run the engine - the dash may not work then, but the engine will, and if the car is a manual then it will most likely drive as well (unlike, say, the GT-R, which will not).

I see your point regarding the OEM ECU and the need for new wiring for the new equipment on the engine. You should be able to reuse the existing sensors that are up to the task - a BAP sensor may not read much positive pressure so you may need to swap it out for a MAP sensors, for example, but crank, cam, TPS etc should work. Beware of using OEM throttles on turbo applications where the OEM was N/A - the plate can be thinner than it needs to be and could bend when you get a pre-throttle pressure spike on lift off.

All of the functions are available to play with. Things like TC will need wheel speeds but I think you can get those off the CAN bus from the ABS/VDC unit. Launch is pretty easy, and "flat shift" - more correctly termed "Gear Cut" is available too BUT do not be tempted to use a simple switch - it is often the case that it is not possible to get a satisfactory operating point and it can be too sensitive or too insensitive - I would normally use a "spare" brake pressure sensor in the clutch hydraulics - that way you can tune the cut point based on clutch system pressure :)

As mentioned, we should be able to help you with a loom schedule that is known to work on an N/A car - you would need to mod it to suit your requirements of course.


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