Got an issue with the oil temp indication on my AIM Strada dash. Its fed by Can Bus from the Syvecs S6. All the other data is fine but the oil temp readings are nonsense. When the car is up to temp it shows readings of 900 deg which would be more like the EGT readings. If I check the Oil Temp info direct on a syvecs gauge it is correct so I am at a loss why it is correct on the Syvecs but wrong on the dash. The scaling of the sensor has to be correct given that the indication is correct when viewed directly on a syvecs gauge.
This is the selections I have available for display on the dash, I have obviously selected oil temp as shown.
Anyone got any ideas ?
OIL Temp Indication Issue
Re: OIL Temp Indication Issue
In the custom can setup, the slot in the frame which the AIM dash is expect oil temp, your cal is actually configured to send EGT1 or EGT2 or EGTMAX.
You should be able to change the data in the relevant slot and all will be well.
You should be able to change the data in the relevant slot and all will be well.
Re: OIL Temp Indication Issue
Thanks Paul sussed what you meant all sorted. I had selected EOT1 and had not enabled EOT